I have always said that while Facebook might be the first major social network, it wouldn’t be the last. I originally joined Facebook in 2005 while studying abroad, because I wanted a convenient way to reconnect with my friends at home. I quickly discovered the ‘cool’ factor of Facebook – it was under the radar, only my peers had access and there were no gimmicks…it was just simple social networking.
However these days – my grandma and my 13 year old cousin are my friends on Facebook, the platform is saturated with ads targeted directly towards my information and there are a ton of privacy concerns. Even though right now it’s hot, Facebook is slowly losing its cool factor.
Well, hello Google+!
Google is developing a new network, Google+, that hopes to rival the popularity of Facebook. It makes sense, right? They are the leaders of search, emails, ads and office software – why wouldn’t they combine their different strengths into one major operation? For the moment, this new platform is in Beta version and only those invited can participate. While I am still searching for that invite, a la the Buzz era, I am excited to see where this network goes. It has a tough road ahead, but Google is just the company who may be able to pull it off.
Social Media Day 2011 - See You There!
Mashable's Social Media Day is June 30! @Sisarina & @DCeventjunkie have partnered again to bring you a fun evening to celebrate all things social media! Gather your Facebook friends, your Twitter followers and your LinkedIn folks and come hang out with us for happy hour. Come meet your 'friends & followers' IRL (in real life).
This event is free but you must RSVP here to attend as we plan to hit max capacity on the roof. (Hint: The event is listed as 'Sold Out', but go ahead and put your name on "Add Me To The Waitlist" - they are following up with everyone who registers)
WHERE: Ozio's Rooftop
WHEN: June 30 - 5:30-9pm
ADDRESS: 1813 M Street NW DC
METRO: Farragut North or Dupont (South exit)
WHAT: Social Media Happy Hour Rooftop-style!
SPECIALS: Happy Hour extended until 9pm
$5 House Martini's
$6 Premium Martini's
$4 House Wine
$3 Domestic Beers
$4 Imported Beers
Sesame Chicken, Taquitos, Quesadillas, Mozzarella, and Ozio Burgers.
TWEET & POST: Tweet & post about it with: #smdaydc & http://bit.ly/smday2011
Beware of Twitter Bots!
I recently read a headline on CNN that said “Twitter is the new Facebook.” There’s no doubt that Twitter is growing in popularity at an extremely fast rate and businesses are buying into the hype. Everyone is taking full advantage of the free, real-time social media platform to engage their customers. Now, the question has transitioned from whether or not to have an account, to how do we expand our follower base? Enter the Twitter bots. AHHH!
Twitter bots are basically software programs that are designed to roam Twitter, find popular hashtags or words, and then capture the users who utilize those specific words in their tweets. Then it begins following those users hoping they will return the favor (as most people usually do). Once you fall into their trap, they spam your feed and direct message inbox until you remove them from your account. Some Bots promise to increase a company's Twitter base up to almost 3,500 followers per week!
My question: sure numbers are important in a world so concerned with metrics and yeah, I can see why it’d be fun to tout your massive amount of followers – however, wouldn’t you rather have a solid group of tweeple, whatever the size, who chose to follow you on their own accord and not only support your brand, but are also engaged with it?
Twitter bots are basically software programs that are designed to roam Twitter, find popular hashtags or words, and then capture the users who utilize those specific words in their tweets. Then it begins following those users hoping they will return the favor (as most people usually do). Once you fall into their trap, they spam your feed and direct message inbox until you remove them from your account. Some Bots promise to increase a company's Twitter base up to almost 3,500 followers per week!
My question: sure numbers are important in a world so concerned with metrics and yeah, I can see why it’d be fun to tout your massive amount of followers – however, wouldn’t you rather have a solid group of tweeple, whatever the size, who chose to follow you on their own accord and not only support your brand, but are also engaged with it?
You Got Served!
Jessica Rosen, Maggy Baccinelli & Erika Brown created a team for Servathon 2011 — a volunteer event of Greater DC Cares that brings 8,000 volunteers to the area each year. Our team, You Got Served! still needs people to sign up. We will be working at Kenilworth Elemntary School on Saturday, April 16. Kenilworth is one of the largest and most-in need projects that Greater DC Cares supports. We will be painting, gardening and all around beautifying/bettering the school.
Join Now: http://servathon2011.kintera.org/faf/search/searchTeamPart.asp?ievent=46452...1&lis=1&kntae464521=7B79C8C6778B409FA504500C848D0FD2&team=4073681
Feel free to contact us with any questions.
Where Do I Sign Up???
"Mark Zuckerberg Announces Retirement - Will Host Reality TV Show To Find Replacement"
Did Your Boss Ask for ‘Cutting Edge’?
As digital technology continues to grow, so does the demand for bigger and better marketing efforts. I can imagine the frustrations some people probably feel when they finally understand Twitter and then their boss says ‘it needs to be more cutting edge!”. Well, if this is something you have experienced, send them a QR code – that’ll keep them quiet for a few days.
QR code = Quick Response Code

Basically, a QR code is a free marketing tool that allows you to generate a code which links to a URL, Text, Phone Number or SMS. Then, those who have a downloaded app on their Smartphone can scan your code (yes, like at the grocery) for your company’s hidden, exclusive, whatever message or Keenan Cahill video. It’s trending fairly quickly as 45.5 million people in the US have access to a Smartphone – so check it out!!
Click Here To Learn More >>>
QR code = Quick Response Code
Basically, a QR code is a free marketing tool that allows you to generate a code which links to a URL, Text, Phone Number or SMS. Then, those who have a downloaded app on their Smartphone can scan your code (yes, like at the grocery) for your company’s hidden, exclusive, whatever message or Keenan Cahill video. It’s trending fairly quickly as 45.5 million people in the US have access to a Smartphone – so check it out!!
Click Here To Learn More >>>
And the Award for Best Integration of Social Media in a Super Bowl Commercial Goes to….
Chevy Cruze!!!
First-dates, romance, real-time Facebook status updates, oh yeah…and a cool car – what more does a commercial need?
First-dates, romance, real-time Facebook status updates, oh yeah…and a cool car – what more does a commercial need?
“I learned it by watching you, Zuck.” - ZING
Dating’ Site Imports 250,000 Facebook Profiles, Without Permission
By Ryan Singel Email Author (Wired)
How does a unknown dating site, with the absurd intention of destroying Facebook, launch with 250,000 member profiles on the first day?
You scrape data from Facebook.
How does a unknown dating site, with the absurd intention of destroying Facebook, launch with 250,000 member profiles on the first day?
You scrape data from Facebook.
What is the Internets?
Unfortunately or fortunately my brain cannot comprehend what it is like to be in a professional environment without access to the internet. This clip shows the highly respected Today Show crew asking - “What does an @ sign represent?” - “What does internet even mean?” - “What does it do?” Wow.
Personal Plug
You are invited to a fundraising happy hour tonight! The event is for DC Scores, a non-profit after school program that teaches over 800 local students soccer, poetry and service-learning. Event attendees will be able to purchase raffle tickets and try their luck at winning various fabulous prizes http://dcscores.blogspot.com/2011/01/enter-to-win-enticing-handful-of-raffle.html – 100% of the proceeds will go to DC Scores programming.
If you are interested in learning more about DC Scores, please check out the event link: http://dcscoresevents.weebly.com/dc-scores-happy-hour---12711.html
Hope to see you there!
In light of the recent success of The Social Network, I thought I would share another cool social media movie you should check out…
Catfish’s trailer describes this documentary as “not based on a true story – not inspired by true events – just true”. (I can vouch for the authenticity b/c these are my colleague’s best friends & he knew about the story as it was happening)
In a nutshell: This young guy is a photographer living in NYC…he connects with a rural Michigan family because an eight year old girl sends him a painting of one of his photographs. Through Facebook he gradually meets her entire family, including the girl’s older sister. The photographer and older sister begin an online romance although they have never met. One day, he is falling so hard for this girl he decides that is time they meet- however on his way to Michigan he realizes the family is a fabrication of their own imaginations.
This documentary is a great look into the more questionable side of social media and I think it’s important for every communication professional to be aware that part exist.
(Click here to watch the trailer) Catfish was released on DVD and Blu-ray on January 4, 2011.
Catfish’s trailer describes this documentary as “not based on a true story – not inspired by true events – just true”. (I can vouch for the authenticity b/c these are my colleague’s best friends & he knew about the story as it was happening)
In a nutshell: This young guy is a photographer living in NYC…he connects with a rural Michigan family because an eight year old girl sends him a painting of one of his photographs. Through Facebook he gradually meets her entire family, including the girl’s older sister. The photographer and older sister begin an online romance although they have never met. One day, he is falling so hard for this girl he decides that is time they meet- however on his way to Michigan he realizes the family is a fabrication of their own imaginations.
This documentary is a great look into the more questionable side of social media and I think it’s important for every communication professional to be aware that part exist.
(Click here to watch the trailer) Catfish was released on DVD and Blu-ray on January 4, 2011.
Best Picture, Drama: The Social Network
Best Screenplay: Aaron Sorkin, The Social Network
Best Score: Trent Reznor and Atticus Ross, The Social Network
Best Director, Motion Picture: David Fincher, The Social Network
The Sampler
Cutting edge and innovative are two words which are frequently used when discussing the future of digital communications. Sure it sounds forward-thinking, but what do those words even mean?
I think Converse’s new IPhone app, The Sampler, is a perfect example of the possibilities of cutting-edge digital technology. Their app allows you to try on a pair of Converse shoes without evev stepping foot in a shoe store. Just grab your phone, point it towards your right foot and through augmented reality, you can see what you would look like in a Converse shoe. Need a second opinion? The app allows you to share the image with friends on Facebook.
I WANT TO GO!!! (stomps her feet & pouts)
Using Social Media for New Business: How One Agency Increases Revenues and Profits Despite a Down Economy
"Join the PRSA Counselors Academy on Jan.14 for our first breakfast seminar, "Using Social Media for New Business." This in-person event at NASDAQ MarketSite in New York City is designed to connect senior-level counselors with the latest ROI-building strategies and highlight growth areas where investment should be considered.
Based on speaker Indra Gardiner's popular session at the PRSA 2010 International Conference, this event will feature insight on how to layer online and offline efforts for maximum exposure. With case studies and research, Gardiner will explain how to treat your agency like a client and increase visibility with aggressive branding, community outreach, public relations and a social media program. Also, practical strategies will be offered to grow a new business program and use social media for new business development.
Network with fellow agency counselors, while deepening your insight on an area of the industry that is still evolving!"
1-Hour 30-minute Seminar
Friday, January 14, 2011
8:30 a.m. - 10 a.m. ET
New York, NY
"Join the PRSA Counselors Academy on Jan.14 for our first breakfast seminar, "Using Social Media for New Business." This in-person event at NASDAQ MarketSite in New York City is designed to connect senior-level counselors with the latest ROI-building strategies and highlight growth areas where investment should be considered.
Based on speaker Indra Gardiner's popular session at the PRSA 2010 International Conference, this event will feature insight on how to layer online and offline efforts for maximum exposure. With case studies and research, Gardiner will explain how to treat your agency like a client and increase visibility with aggressive branding, community outreach, public relations and a social media program. Also, practical strategies will be offered to grow a new business program and use social media for new business development.
Network with fellow agency counselors, while deepening your insight on an area of the industry that is still evolving!"
1-Hour 30-minute Seminar
Friday, January 14, 2011
8:30 a.m. - 10 a.m. ET
New York, NY
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