
You Got Served!

Come meet each other, have a few drinks, and raise money for Greater DC Cares on Thursday, April 7. Our happy hour will be from 6-8:30 pm at Sign of the Whale in Dupont. There will be a $5 cover/donation. The donation will get you a wristband for all beer, wine, and mixed drinks at half price, and $5 burgers and $5 appetizers. We'll also have a raffle for a $50 bar tab. All proceeds from the cover and the raffle go to Greater DC Cares! Please help to reach our goal of $1000. Bring friends!

Jessica Rosen, Maggy Baccinelli & Erika Brown created a team for Servathon 2011 — a volunteer event of Greater DC Cares that brings 8,000 volunteers to the area each year. Our team, You Got Served! still needs people to sign up. We will be working at Kenilworth Elemntary School on Saturday, April 16. Kenilworth is one of the largest and most-in need projects that Greater DC Cares supports. We will be painting, gardening and all around beautifying/bettering the school.

Join Now: http://servathon2011.kintera.org/faf/search/searchTeamPart.asp?ievent=46452...1&lis=1&kntae464521=7B79C8C6778B409FA504500C848D0FD2&team=4073681

Feel free to contact us with any questions.

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