
Learn From Your Peers

I stumbled across a pretty cool blog known as Dosh Dosh - this guy has browsed over 380 social news sites to deliver a list of the top 50 general and niche social media communities.

I've spent sometime scrolling through this list and I think it's a great starting point for anyone wanting to explore new online avenues.

My Top Picks:

Hugg: Hugg is a social news site with a strong focus on environmental issues. Also includes other categories like politics, science, fashion and technology.

I am bored: Covers general topics with a strong focus on weird and offbeat news. You can submit a link which may be posted after the editors approve it.

Hypediss: Social news site with a focus on design, fashion, urban culture and art.

Find some fav's of your own: http://www.doshdosh.com/list-of-social-media-news-websites/

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