
Aww, thanks! :)

On Mon, Aug 2, 2010 at 12:24 PM, Heidi C. wrote:

Hi there blogger!

Just visited your "In The In Crowd" blog and I was super impressed by its design and content. We started our site Lookville.com not too long ago. It's a place for people to have discussions, share tips, and ask questions about fashion. It's been going great so far and I would love to have you on it! check it out if you're interested: http://lookville.com/signup?e=erikanb425@gmail.com&c=gen&ref=fb_us

And we would love to hear your feedbacks.


- Heidi C.


Much Like Heidi Montag...

In The In Crowd is Getting a Facelift!
(Let me know what you think - erikanb425@gmail.com)

A Question I've Been Chewing On....

Facebook = Sell Out?


Cosmos Are For Girls

I’m not sure about you, but I am over magazines that teach me the top 10 ways to please my mate. I don’t want to waste any more time trying to figure out what guys are really thinking. It’s not that I am too old or too mature for these mindless reads; it’s just that my list of must-reads is growing out of control!

Need a new magazine suggestion that fits the bill? Try flipping through the pages of Fast Company – I promise you will learn something fascinating each issue (and no, I’m not being paid to say that). If technology, design, business, entrepreneurship, marketing, leadership, etc. is more your cup of tea, check out their self description:

Fast Company sets the agenda, charting the evolution of business through a unique focus on the most creative individuals sparking change in the marketplace. By uncovering best and "next" practices, the magazine and website help a new breed of leader work smarter and more effectively.

Fast Company empowers innovators to challenge convention and create the future of business.